Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Fauvism Tests

In the group, we discussed using modern and more up to date objects to make Fauvism more interesting. We are referencing the original images by using the same primary and secondary colours and having the model positioned in the same way as the paintings, using big brushes and working wet on wet. It has been adapted to a modern audience by including modern objects. Making the objects modern worked well by using the same style as fauvism. A problem would be painting on the model as the paint drys very quickly meaning you have to work fast, however we overcame it as we used more paint so it stayed wet. For the shoot, we need to make sure the background matches the model and that it links well with the fauvism theme but is still modern. My role will be helping with painting the props and the model. We have planned to use similar positions to fauvism work and the same colours. 

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